Reiki Level 1 Class the cure for BURNOUT!

Reiki is the CURE for BURNOUT

because it was BORN out of Burnout!

If you're a healer, mother, business owner, nurse, teacher or anyone who is feeling burnout right now, then this is the class for you. No previous Reiki or bodywork experience is necessary this class is for everybody. I found Reiki when I was experiencing deep grief & burnout, this class taught me how to align to a higher energetic frequency, then I started manifesting my dream life!

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the healing frequencies of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics." 

Albert Einstein 

Reiki Level 1 Class will open your Heart Chakra!

When you receive your Reiki level 1 Attunement, it will open your Heart Chakra allowing this golden light Reiki energy to flow in through the top of your head, then through your heart & into your hands for giving Reiki to others & yourself.

Reiki level 1 Class empowers you to give Reiki by placing hands on a person, animal or object. When you go onto level 2 Reiki & beyond you can send distance Reiki through time & space.

When you receive this Reiki Attunement it begins a 21 day cycle of healing transformation, this is why we wait for 21 days before the next level attunement.

In this class you will learn how to align with the higher vibrational energy of REIKI to help you overcome burnout & begin to manifest all that you desire. As a Massage Therapist of 26 years, Reiki is my favorite modality for healing the healer! When you give Reiki, you receive this golden light energy yourself, this helps sustain your practice.

Reiki Concepts you will learn:

  • What is Reiki energy healing?
  • Origin Story of Mikao Usui discovering Reiki
  • How to Manifest with Reiki
  • Receive Level 1 Reiki attunement through Distance Healing
  • How to become the STRAW to allow Reiki to flow through you
  • How to give a Reiki session with Reiki hand holds.

Reiki Disclaimer: 

I had a student who said her life had changed so much after taking my Reiki class that I should have a disclaimer, so here it is. 
A Reiki healing session may increase your energy levels.
Taking a Reiki class will change your life forever and there's no going back.
A Reiki attunement may shift your perspective emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and even financially, for the better!
Reiki may accelerate your Soul's divine purpose. Reiki may improve your life in ways you weren't ready for.
Higher level Reiki Attunements may speed up your Soul's karmic lessons and evolution. 

Side Effects Of Reiki may include:
Reiki may bring awareness and cause you to see your life as it really is.
Reiki may cause loss of excess baggage, release of toxic relationships
Weight loss may occur.
Reiki may cause an increased energetic frequency.
Reiki can make you a money magnet.
You might quit your job for a better calling that comes along unexpectedly.
You may attract your soul mate, the love of your life with Reiki.
Animals will definitely follow you home. Experiencing Reiki may result in major life changes, for the better.
You may become the person you were meant to be in this life. 

REIKI is NOT a Religion... 

It can be practiced with all religious and spiritual beliefs.
Reiki may induce a belief in something higher than one's self. 

Expect Miracles with Reiki!

Reiki Level 1 Class will open your Heart Chakra & help you overcome burnout!

When you receive your Reiki level 1 Attunement, it will open your Heart Chakra allowing this universal life force energy to flow in through the top of your head, then through your heart & into your hands for giving Reiki to others & yourself. Reiki level 1 Class empowers you to give Reiki by placing hands on a person, animal or object. When you go onto level 2 Reiki & beyond you can send distance Reiki through time & space. When you receive this Reiki Attunement it begins a 21 day cycle of healing transformation, this is why we wait for 21 days before the next level attunement.

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the healing frequencies of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. There can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics." 

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